Topics to be covered in 21 Days
1] C Language syllabus
- Day 1: Fundamentals of C Language.
- Day 2: Overview of C Language.
- Day 3: Data Types in C Language.
- Day 4: Variable in C Language.
- Day 5: Constant in C Language.
- Day 6: Operators and Enums in C Language.
- Day 7: Decision Making of C Language.
- Day 8: Loop control in C Language.
- Day 9: Control Flow in C Programming.
- Day 10: Array in C Language.
- Day 11: String in C Language.
- Day 12: Function in C Language.
- Day 13: String functions in C.
- Day 14: Recursion in c.
- Day 15: Pointer in C Language.
- Day 16: Structure in C Language.
- Day 17: Union in C Language.
- Day 18: File Input/Output.
- Day 19: Dynamic Memory Allocation.
- Day 20: C Pre-processor.
- Day 21: Command Line Arguments.
2] C++ Syllabus
- Day 1: Introduction to OOP and its basic features.
- Day 2: Compiling and Executing C++ Program.
- Day 3: Selection control statements in C++.
- Day 4: Introduction to Multidimensional Array.
- Day 5: Strings and String related Library Functions.
- Day 6: Functions.
- Day 7: Structures in C++.
- Day 8: Creating classes and Abstraction.
- Day 9: Constructors and Destructors, Static variables and Functions in class.
- Day 10: Operator Overloading in C++.
- Day 11: Inheritance in C++.
- Day 12: Virtual Functions.
- Day 13: Files and streams in C++.
- Day 14: C++ iostream hierarchy.
- Day 15: Standard Input/output Stream Library.
- Day 16: File input and output.
- Day 17: Class templates.
- Day 18: Containers and application of container classes.
- Day 19: Iterators.
- Day 20: Exception handling.
- Day 21: Programming with exceptions.
3] HTML Syllabus
- Day 1: Getting Acquainted with HTML.
- Day 2: Introduction to HTML Terminology.
- Day 3:Unicode Transformation Format (UTF).
- Day 4: New for HTML.
- Day 5: Designing a Webpage.
- Day 6: Basic Tags and Document Structure.
- Day 7: HTML Tags.
- Day 8: Metadata.
- Day 9: Page Formatting.
- Day 10: Text Items and Objects.
- Day 11: Special Characters.
- Day 12: Creating Lists.
- Day 13: Text Links.
- Day 14: Image Links.
- Day 15: Linking to an E-mail Address.
- Day 16: Linking to Other Types of Files.
- Day 17: Images.
- Day 18: Basic Tables.
- Day 19: iframes.
- Day 20: Forms.
- Day 21: Video and Audio.
4] CSS Syllabus
- Day 1: What are Cascading Style Sheets?
- Day 2: CSS Syntax.
- Day 3: Linking to a CSS.
- Day 4: Adding Comments and Notes to a CSS.
- Day 5: Creating an Internal Style Sheet.
- Day 6: ID and Class.
- Day 7: Inline Styling.
- Day 8: Working With Text in CSS.
- Day 9: Creating Backgrounds in CSS.
- Day 10: Number and Bullet Styles.
- Day 11: Images in CSS.
- Day 12: Box Model in CSS.
- Day 13: Display and Visibility.
- Day 14: Grouping and Nesting.
- Day 15: Dimensions of Elements.
- Day 16: Positioning and floating.
- Day 17: Pseudo-Classes/Pseudo-Elements
- Day 18: Adding a Navigation Bar in CSS.
- Day 19: CSS Tables.
- Day 20: Working With Transforms in CSS.
- Day 21: Transitions and Animations in CSS.
5] jQuery Syllabus
- Day 1: jQuery Course Overview.
- Day 2: Adding the jQuery Library to Your Pages
- Day 3: Basic jQuery Example.
- Day 4: jQuery Syntax.
- Day 5: How to use Custom Scripts?
- Day 6: jQuery – noConflict() Method.
- Day 7: String, Numbers, Boolean, Objects, Arrays, Functions, Arguments, Scope, Built-in Functions.
- Day 8: jQuery – Selectors.
- Day 9: jQuery – CSS Element Selector and ID Selector.
- Day 10: jQuery – CSS Element Class Selector and Universal Selector.
- Day 11: jQuery – CSS Multiple Elements E, F, G Selector.
- Day 12: jQuery Callback Functions.
- Day 13: DOM Attributes.
- Day 14: DOM Traversing.
- Day 15: DOM Manipulation Methods.
- Day 16: jQuery Effect Methods, Hide and Show.
- Day 17: jQuery Toggle.
- Day 18: jQuery Slide.
- Day 19: jQuery Fade.
- Day 20: jQuery – AJAX.
- Day 21: jQuery – JSON.